CULTS IN GENERALKendall, Lois. (2016) Born and Raised in a Sect: You are not alone. Professional Publishing Stein, Alexandra. (2017) Terror, Love & Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems. NY: Routledge Bardin, L. (2000). Coping with Cult Involvement Bonita Springs, FL: AFF Cialdini, R.B. (1984). Influence: The Psychology of Modern Persuasion New York: Quill. Giambalvo, C. (1992). Exit Counseling: A Family Intervention Bonita Springs, FL: AFF. Hassan, S. (1988). Combatting Cult Mind Control Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. Hoffer, E. (1951). The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements New York: Harper & Row Publishers. Lalich, Janja (1988) Bounded Choice: True Believers and Charismatic Cults Langone, M.D. (Ed). (1993)Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse New York: W. Norton & Company. Lifton, R.J. (1961). Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism New York: W.W. Norton & Company. Singer, M.T. (1995). Cults in our Midst: Hidden Menace in Our Lives San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Tobias, M.L. & Lalich, J. (2006). Take Back Your Life-Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships Berkeley, CA: Bay Tree Publishing. Porterfield, Kay Marie. (1995). Straight Talk About Cults New York: Facts On File, Inc. (especially for young adult readers) CULT RECOVERY Jenkinson, G. (2023) Walking Free from the Trauma of Coercive, Cultic, and Spiritual Abuse. London: Routledge Ford, W. (1993). Recovery from Abusive Groups Bonita Springs, FL: AFF Herman, J.L. (1992). Trauma and Recovery New York: Basic Books. Williams, M.B.& Poijula, S. (2002). The PTSD Workbook Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
SPECIFIC KINDS OF GROUPSBIBLE BASED GROUPS/ABUSIVE CHURCHES Zieman, Bonnie (2015). Exiting the JW Cult: A Healing Handbook. North Charleston, SC: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform Schriver, Debby (2018). Whispering in the Daylight: The Children of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries and their Journey to Freedom. Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee Press. Giambalvo, C. & Rosedale, H. (1996). The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ Bonita Springs, FL: AFF. Johnson, D. & VanVonderen, J. (1991). The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers. Winell, M. (1994). Leaving the Fold. A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others leaving their Religion Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications. Duncan, W.J. (2006) I Can’t Hear God Anymore, Life in a Dallas Cult Rowlett, TX: VM Life Resources EASTERN BASED MEDITATION GROUPS Kramer, J & Alstead, D. (1993). The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books/Frog Ltd. POLITICAL CULTS Tourish, D. & Wohlforth, T. (2000). On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. PSYCHOTHERAPY CULTS Szalavitz, Maia (2006). HELP AT ANY COST: How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids. NY: Riverhead Books Singer, M.T. & Lalich, J. (1996). “Crazy Therapies” San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. OCCULT/SATANIC CULTS Langone, M.D. & Blood, L.O. (1990). Satanism and Occult-Related Violence: What You Should Know Weston, MA: AFF Oksana, C. (1994). Safe Passage to Healing, a Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse New York: Harper Perennial.
POLYGAMY GROUPS Krakauer, Jon (2004) Under the Banner of Heaven, a story of violent faith
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